Other Caffrey lit
Caffrey, C, SCR Smith, and TJ Weston. 2005. West Nile virus devastates an American Crow population. The Condor 107: 128-132.
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Caffrey, C, TJ Weston, and SCR Smith. 2003. High mortality among marked crows subsequent to the arrival of West Nile virus. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31(3): 870-72.
Caffrey, C. 2002. Catching Crows. North American Bird Bander 26: 137-145.
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Caffrey, C. 2002. Marking Crows. North American Bird Bander 26: 146-150. *Password = redtail.
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Caffrey, C. 2002. Marking nestling crows: an addendum. North American Bird Bander 27: 12.
Verbeek, NAM and C Caffrey. 2002. American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). In The Birds of North America, No. 647 (A Poole and F Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia PA.
Caffrey, C. 2001. Goal-directed use of objects by American Crows. Wilson Bulletin 113: 114-115.
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CCaffrey, C. 2000. Tool modification and use by an American crow. Wilson Bulletin 112: 283-284.
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Caffrey, C. 2000. Correlates of reproductive success in cooperatively breeding Western American Crows: if helpers help, it’s not by much. The Condor 102: 333-341.
Caffrey, C. 1999. Feeding rates and individual contributions to feeding at nests of cooperatively breeding Western American Crows. The Auk 116: 836-41.
Caffrey, C. 1992. Female‑biased delayed dispersal and helping in American Crows. The Auk 109:609- 619.